Sunday, October 14, 2012

Guacamole Salsa

Ok first of all I bought a pound of Tomatillo's like it stated, but I didn't get a good look at them because they were wrapped in a film like thing... turns out, all but 2 were rotten so I was not a happy camper. But it all worked out in the end...

Guacamole Salsa
1lb of Tomatillo
1 Jalapeno Pepper (I took seeds out)
1/3C of Cilantro 
1 Thick slice of Onion
1 Garlic clove
1 Avocado
1 tsp of Salt 

Directions: Peel and wash and cut into quarters and put at the bottom of the blender and add the other ingredients on top...

Ok.. What I did was I forgot to cut the Tomatillo's in quarters and I used a little more than a thick slice of onion and I regret it... I had to use a cup to get the blender to blend properly, I then poured it into a glass and closed the lid. I then turn around and see the garlic clove sitting on the table...

It turned out to taste too much like onion but if I would add some sour cream for dipping I am sure it would taste better...

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